2 min readJan 25, 2021

January 25th, 2021

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This month’s theme: Communication


Need to read: How to Improve Communication at Work. Wells Fargo’s paid $3 billion to federal prosecutors because of a fourteen-year failure of communication. That bank’s management communicated information in a condescending, emotionally laced, and unnecessary way. That created a culture where employees did not speak with transparency.

Should read: Set Better Boundaries. Boundary predators appear in every realm of life. From the boss who asks you to fix the slide show botched by a colleague (and to add three new slides while you’re at it) to the 10-year-old who asks for “just five more minutes” of screen time to complete their video game, it can feel like you say “no” all day long.

If you have time: 6 Communication Mistakes To Avoid With Your Remote Team. Video calls, instant photo sharing, and hundreds of emojis — in an era where we’re more connected than ever, it’s ironic when teams struggle to connect and work remotely. It’s not that teams who struggle to work remotely are inefficient teams, they simply don’t have the correct “remote work hygiene” in place to create a thriving digital workspace.

In The News

How We Can Deal with ‘Pandemic Fatigue’. The first step is to understand that it’s not just about exhaustion or tiredness or depleting a mental resource.


Zeneca: Share your favorite books with the world and discover new books from your community.

Daybridge: Manage your time, not your calendar.

Fun Stuff

FirstQuestion: A single question to start your day.

Drawception: It’s like the classic “Telephone Game”, but with drawing and thousands of players. Miscommunication and hilarity ensues!




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